summer 2009 digital art

Der lustige Astromaut

Digital art and poster which I made in summer 2009




Planet Platte Marzahn-Hellersdorf



  1. helLo. .your works are so coOL. .i have a question. .how to make “rainbow” like in your 1st and 4th pic.?I’m using adobe CS3. .I’m new with this. .tnx

    by sis on
  2. Hi Sis,

    thanks for your nice comment.

    In the first image the rainbow is consisting of single layer with different colors. The other image was made with a gradient-style overlay. Check out this tutorial to learn more about it:

    PS: Try to overlay/multiply layers with different colors/gradients.

    Hope that helps you.

    Greetings solemone

    by solemone on
  3. I just discovered your blog/article. I like reading all the different things you write about, and I enjoyed seeing the images of the work you do. Nice stuff! Thanks for sharing!

    by Matthew C. Kriner on
  4. Danke für die Info. Sehr interessanter Beitrag. Werde bestimmt öfter mal vorbei schauen. Gruß Marco

    by alleinunterhalter on
  5. your pictures are amazing

    by Temple Tischer on

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