The Octodrum

Me playing the Octodrum

The OCTODRUM is a Midi controller I created in the course “Design of Physical and Virtual Interfaces” at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. It was my first experience with Arduino code and micro electronics. It’s all built and programmed by myself. Check out some photos of the Process.

Process picture of building an Octodrum pad

Me playing the Octodrum
Me playing the Octodrum.
Removal of the Drumpads
You can remove the Drumpads from the body. Two meter cable.
Play the Octodrum with your feet
Play the Drumpads with your feet.
Connect the Octodrum Pads to various adapters
To protect the Drumpads against slipping they can be connected to various adapters.
Single Octodrum Drumpad
A single Octodrum Drumpad with an adapter.


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    by Player51 aus Reinickendorf on
  2. Zuckerberg bist du es?

    by solemone on
  3. Genial Großer, das Ding will ich auf jeden Fall demnächst mal spielen kommen, hehe… ;)
    *Daumen Hoch!*

    by Chris on
  4. Kannste machen :)

    by solemone on
  5. Sounds nice !
    such a great work

    by Softlight97 on

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