Tutorial: How to make a colorful text effect with Photoshop

In this tutorial you will learn how to make a colorful texteffect with photoshop. The screenshots are in german so if you have any questions just leave a comment.

Final image preview

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot


You need three things for this tutorial:

Step 1

Create a new document with a 1920px width by 1200px height, with a 72 pixels/inch resolution. Set color mode to RGB 8bit. The background color should be #141414.

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

Step 2

Create a new text layer and type your text. Use the settings from the screenshot and apply the following layer styles to the text layer. Use the gradient from the preparation.

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot
solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot
solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

Step 3

Now create every character of your text separate again. Put the single character accurately over the first text layer.

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

Step 4

Apply the following layer styles to every single character. Tip: Just apply the styles to the first character -› go to layers panel -› right click the first character,  copy the layer style -› select the rest character -› right click paste layer style.

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot
solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot
solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot
solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

This should look like that:

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

Step 5

Now customize the gradient layer style of every other character. Invert and turn the gradient, so the colors are in line with the character next to each other. You can also drag the gradient away from the middle to bring some dynamic in it.

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

This could look like that:

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

Step 6

Open the the paper texture and drag it into the texteffect file. Lay the texture over the text layer and fit the width to the text layer width.

Make a selection of the entire text by holding down the command key and pressing once on the first text layer thumbnail.

Then mask the texture with the currently created selection (red marked symbol on the screenshot) that it looks like this:

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

Step 7 – final step

Set the texture layer´s blending mode to Multiply and thats it.

solemone texteffect tutorial screenshot

Thank you for reading this tutorial I hope you enjoyed it … solemone


  1. Great blog, thanks for all your work! FAbulous stuff.

    by Everett Stratis on

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